Recap of the world's first #Metaverse #AMA in Ariva Wonderland. On November 1, 2022, there was a first in crypto and metaverse.

02 Nov 2022, 18:16
Recap of the world's first #Metaverse #AMA in Ariva Wonderland On November 1, 2022, there was a first in crypto and metaverse. The AMA, which was previously scheduled with Dr. Marwan, CEO of Dubai Block Chain Center, had to be postponed after Dr.Marwan sadly suffered from a medical condition at the last minute. However, the Ariva team and host Sydney decided to hold the AMA in a Q&A format with the players at the scheduled time. Moreover, although the technical preparation was based on a conversation between two people, everything went almost perfectly in this spontaneous format as well and it was a wonderful experience. With a few improvements, the Metaverse AMA has shown that the form can be permanent in the crypto space. Thank you again to all our teammates and those who participated in the event.